Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm Registered!

Last week after my boring ass American Govt. class I was on the way to my car and this girl stopped me and asked me to sign a bunch of petitions. I did a farhad and said, "Whaaat The Helllll!". While I was signing these forms she asked me my ethnicity. Before I even said anything she guessed that I was Korean and Irish! No one has ever guessed it on the first try!! So I asked her how did she know that? She said that she is Filipino and Irish! WOOT WOOT for being bi-racial! And them some random ass asian dude that was near me asked if I get offended if I get called a "half-breed"?!?! I was about to SLAP A HOE! haha I told him that I dont give a shit. The half Filipino girl then asked me if I was a registered voter? I told her no so I filled out a form and now im registered! YAY! I can't wait to get one of these after I vote for OBAMA.. because I know that he is going to win the democratic race over CLINTON!:

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