Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm Fallin' Off...

As the semester rolls on, I am becoming less focused and less motivated to do anything. There are a lot of shit on my plate and my life is like a buffet... the shit doesn't stop piling up. Ohlone is no joke compared to Laney... the classes are harder and it is a lot easier to fall behind. 4 classes alone is enough to handle. Kinder's is lightweight stressful and even though I'm about to get paid $12 an hour, I still have to put in work and have a minimum of 32 hours a week. Not to mention that I have to constantly go to the gym to keep in shape because whatever school I go to in the fall, they expect me to be in shape already. So basically I have a full time job & a full time school schedule... It's like SJSU all over again... NOT THE BIZNESS! I hope I last and not breakdown...

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