Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another day at Ohlone...

I am bored as usual here at Ohlone and I felt like blogging for the first time on my Treo. Its pretty cool if you ask me. My main man, Deepy showed me how to do it (hes the man when it comes to figuring shit out). I went up to the cafeteria and ordered me a La Paz burrito and I finished it in less then two minutes. I ate it near the pond. Its such a wondrous place and probably the only pretty part of the campus. Its a good place to just slapp the ipod and think about life. I was later waiting for my class to start and I took a picture of myself because I want to submit it to StrictlyFitteds. They do a thing called "caught in the act" and basically its random people with a fitted hat on. We'll see if they actually post it up. GOOD DAY GOOD SIR!

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