Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I just took advantage of a great sale that went on yesterday at Digital Gravel. I got an email from DG saying that they will be having a 50% OFF the entire website for a 12 hour period for those people needing some gear for back to school. Since my check came in a few days earlier, it didn't hurt to purchase some stuff from their website. What I got was a steal... 2 tees and a hat for $35.50... can't beat that. =) I told $b about it. She knows wassup.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Like waiting for the call of your name to know you made the team, or scrolling through that hallway list of names hoping yours was among the ones that "passed"...
Rarely in my life have I been excluded or left out. I try to decide whether it's the Vanity of hearing my name, or the Respect one gets from their best effort.
My Past turned Present and Visa-Versa, life's "Circle" feels more like a Corral.
All at once I realize the Irony of being Acknowleged, yet not Included. Seen but not Heard.

I imagine you feel like I felt as a young man in the military. Now I understand your feelings when I left to find Me.
Left out...we dismiss it as Trivial, but to Some...being included is a priceless gift of recognition.

Still I Ride...
