Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tell It Like It Is

The sign used to say: "Yes We Can Cape County. Obama."

This is what is left of the Obama sign that I put in front of the house the other day. It was burned and the rest of the sign either dissolved from the fire or is lost. To make a long story short... The Midwest is strongly republican or seriously racist. Hmm.. A matter of fact they are BOTH!

There was some serious controversy within this household when I put that Sign up in front of the house. I put it up Monday afternoon and found out that it was immediately taken down by one of my housemates. So I went outside to realize that the sign was laying in the grass off of it's post. To save me from getting into a confrontation in the future, I took the sign up to my room to put it on the wall. As I was walking into the house with the sign, The people across the street yelled out, "Throw it away!" ...Another housemate went to my room and told me that the person that took the sign down has no right to do that. He also said that it was un-American to not allow me to express my support. So he then took the sign from me and put it up himself. MY DAWG!

Now there is a political war within the house. But I express no hatred towards the candidate I'm not supporting. I'm Pro-Obama, Not Anti-McCain. The person that took down the sign is Anti-Obama. He even bought a t-shirt that hated on Obama directly. Watching the 2nd Presidential Debate last night just made me want to support Obama even more. McCain's comments were complete low-blows and out of line. He was attacking Obama while Barack kept his composure and spoke with great confidence. The Debate made me sick to the point that I wanted to change the channel but I decided to watch the entire thing.

The worst part about all of this... I'm unable to vote this Presidential Election. I am registered in California and I cant go back home to get my absentee ballot. It is also too late to register here in Missouri so I'm shit out of luck. That doesn't mean that I will stop showing support. HOPE & CHANGE is what we need as a nation.

I also got to see some of my family when I played at Jacksonville State in Alabama. It was great to see all of you guys. It also feel great to reunite my two grandmas. =) Love you all!

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