Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Taking Cape By Storm!

*Side-note before reading my blog: You can now click on the images to see a larger size. Before it was just 320x240 and now you can view them at 800x600. =)

It was about noon here in Cape and look out the window and what do I see?? 3 cops cars arresting some dude across the street. I swear it's a crack/whore house over there. Every time I go outside, there is always people coming in and out, people just chillin' on the porch, not to mention they start drinking beer in the wee hours of the morning. Now who do you know that has a 9-5 and is always around the house... It's got to be some at home work.. that's it.

BTW, I hate walking around with my camera and always taking pictures of random shit because the people who witness me either think I'm the poporatzi or I'm some sort of Asian tourist. But never the less, I do it anyway because it makes a great blog.

That's how we roll here on the corner of Hanover & Merriwether St!! You may notice how in this picture of the street signs it's dark and in the pictures of me on the porch it's light... It was the storm that made it so ugly, so fast.

I bet you are wondering why I'm sitting outside writing this blog entry. About 15 minutes ago, as I was watching Maid in Manhattan (yeah, that's right.. I was watching it), the screen turned completely red and said that there was a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM on it's way to Cape. 60mph winds and chances of a tornado touching down... its not exactly a smart thing to do, sitting with my laptop in my lap while flashes go off over my head and winds start to pick up, but hey.. I'd rather see the storm rather then hearing about it on the television.

This is the first time I'm actually putting my own video on here. I tried using YouTube to upload my videos but it was messing up so I decided to switch over to Vimeo. It's way more efficient and it also has a cool look to it. Expect to see more videos in the future. I apologize for the videos being so dark but what do you expect... a storm was coming! AHH! haha.

1 comment:


I like that song on your blogger. =]
How are you buddy?!