Monday, July 7, 2008

First Day In CAPE

This is where I will be staying at in Cape Girardeau, Missouri for the next month. It's a cool little house that is across the street from a crack/whore house in the ghetto (my housemates and I aren't quite sure which one it is). haha.

One of my housemates, Ben, took me downtown to eat at a place called, Broussard's Cajun Cuisine. Everyone in the house told me that this is the best place in town. You will not guess what I ate there... fried alligator with crawfish etouffee. OMG... it was out of this world!

After we ate, I was walking to the car and I pass by a shoe store called Brown's Shoes. I thought it was funning being that my last name is brown and I like shoes. hehe. =)

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