Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Family Business

I haven't posted in a about a week because I've been hella lazy. I'm at Ohlone right now and I want to go home but Bobo got mad at me for saying that I want to leave. I don't really care if I'm already at school, this shit is hella whack! I fucking hate my American Government class. He bullshits for an hour and a half. No one even shows up because he doesn't take role. But I come to class like a dumbass and don't learn shit! I'm just so tired of how my life is turning out. 3 years ago I had no idea that I'd be the situation that I'm in today...

"I wish I could buy me a spaceship and fly." -Kanye

Last night was the finale to my mom and Ron fighting. It's a done deal. I'm officially moving out of my current house. My mom came home from a hard days work and gets nothing but drama from the drama queen. He was screaming at the top of his lungs saying some shit like, "You're fucking crazy!... I'm tired of you coming home and just sleeping!... We need to break up because you have mental problems!!... GET THE FUCK OUT!! GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!"

That was just a few things that I remember him saying. I couldn't help hear it all because he was screaming as if my mom was a mile away. My mom and Sarah came into my room after the confrontation and they were both crying. Sarah kept on saying "Let's go. Let's go." and my mom kept saying "I'm sorry..." I told both of them that there is nothing bad about this. This should have happened a long time ago. Ron is the one that is trippin' and has psychological problems. I told my mom to not listen to one thing he says. I need to for real beat some sense into that mans head. I seriously want to smack him around like the little bitch he is. !!!

I have no motivation to do anything anymore... There are so many things going on in my life right now (i.e. work, school, problems at home, waiting for scholarships, starting to move!!!). I'm going to start packing my shit today and make the move official. Living with Ron is a cancer to the family and is only making everyone sicker. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Things are only going to get better if we move out for real.

I have one thing that I'm excited for this week. Spending my 3 year anniversary with Jennifer and kickin' with my busted up boy, Deepy. Saturday through Wednesday. I'm going to do it big in SO*CAL!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i love you.

don't worry. everything happens for a reason. things will work out in the end. <3